American Baptist Churches Of The South
A Region of American Baptist Churches, USA
"Strengthening and Caring for Church Environments for Strong Ministry & Missions"
P.O. Box 47277 Windsor Mill, MD 21244-0277
Website: www.abcots.org | (443) 551-3045 - Main Line | (800) 466-9571 |
gloria@abcots.org. jmharrison@abcots.org. abcotsadmin@abcots.org. pwhite@abcots.org

The theme for Black History Month in 2025 is "African Americans and Labor".
This theme highlights the significant role that Black Americans have played in building the United States of America.
Area Meetings
Area 6 September 20 & 21 Individual pastor meetings only
Rev. Dr. James M. Harrison jmharrison@abcots.org
Area 5 September 27 & 28 Location Second Baptist Church, San Antonio, TX.
Rev. Dr. Jacque Denkins jdenkins@wheelerbc.org
Area 1 October 5 Mt. Calvary Baptist Church Rockville, MD
Mrs. Loretta Speight lorettaspeight@aol.com & Mrs. Angie Mumford Angelia.mumford@mtcbc.org
Area 2 October 11 & 12 Ebenezer Baptist Church Richmond, VA
Rev. Denise Wynn Forgodis2003@aol.com Rev. Michael Shannon M_shannon15@comcast.net
Area 3 October 18 & 19 Friendship Baptist Church Atlanta, GA
Dr. Stephen Greene Howard pastor@mycmbcnc.org
Area 4 October 25 & 26 Location TBD
Dr. Wayne Thompson Drwgt22@gmail.com

Thank you to everyone who participated in ABCOTS Annual AFC meeting.
A special thank you to our Host Area, Area II led by Moderator Dr. George W. C. Lyons who did a great job compiling all the presentations we were able to share. The ABCOTS Staff are still collecting and tallying the donations and pledges for this year's Annual Appeal with a goal of $15,000. There is still time to support. If you use Givelify we are under ABCOTS or American Baptist Churches Of The South. You can also log onto our website www.abcots.org and click on the Givelify button. Again on behalf of ABCOTS we thank you for your continued support and look forward to ministering with you at our ABCOTS Annual Session.