American Baptist Churches Of The South
A Region of American Baptist Churches, USA
"Strengthening and Caring for Church Environments for Strong Ministry & Missions"
P.O. Box 47277 Windsor Mill, MD 21244-0277
Website: www.abcots.org | (443) 551-3045 - Main Line | (800) 466-9571 |
gloria@abcots.org. jmharrison@abcots.org. abcotsadmin@abcots.org. pwhite@abcots.org

The theme for Black History Month in 2025 is "African Americans and Labor".
This theme highlights the significant role that Black Americans have played in building the United States of America.

Ultimate Purpose
The Ultimate Purpose of the Region is to join God in His mission in the world; to bear witness of His redemptive love and to call men and nations to discipleship and to participation in His action of liberation and reconciliation – BYLAWS
Mission and Vision
Statement of Mission
ABCOTS proclaims that God is in the world establishing the divine kingdom over the entire creation, liberating persons and nations from every form of bondage and reconciling all things in Christ. We adhere to the philosophy that: mission determines purpose; purpose determines program; program determines structure; and, structure determines staffing. (ABCOTS By-Laws)
Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord. Baptists are a redeemed people, who claim a personal relationship to God through his Son, Jesus Christ. We believe it is our mission to share the gospel of Christ – a gospel of love and forgiveness – with the whole world.
The Bible is God’s Inspired Word. Baptists believe that the Bible is the divinely inspired record of God’s actions in history, and believe it is a trustworthy, authoritative, and all-sufficient rule of faith and practice.
Two Ordinances. Baptists observe two ordinances: believer’s baptism and the Lord’s Supper. We regard baptism by immersion as a symbol of death to the old life and resurrection to a new life in Christ. We celebrate holy communion in memory of the sufferings of Christ on our behalf – to show forth his death until his coming again.
We're Distinct Because
ABC/USA is a national organization built around international, national and local church ministry and missions.
ABC/USA has a selection of curricula for the Sunday School and other Christian Education programs. It offers Christian Education programs. It offers Christian education services in understanding using and apply such literature.
ABC/USA has a history of openness to differing point of view. Jesus Christ is professed as Savior and Lord. Within the ABC/USA are different points of view on how persons go about expressing and living out that Lordship. Our tradition is one of acceptance, trust and openness to Truth.
ABCOTS is an official Region of the ABC/USA. We are an assemblage of churches in the south, currently made up of Blacks, Whites and Hispanics. We are open to persons of all races becoming members and participating in our witness and ministry.
ABCOTS is committed to the internal, national and local ministries of the ABC/USA.
ABCOTS is committed to the goal of improving the ability of our local churches to do ministry within both their local communities and the larger community that makes up the Region.
ABCOTS is committed to helping local churches do together what no one can do individually or as effectively alone.
ABCOTS is committed to being an American Baptist Supportive ministry for its member churches in the South.
ABCOTS is a unique and creative witness in the South speaking to the needs of unity, acceptance and trust among all people.
ABCOTS offers services for its member churches in the areas of leadership development, fellowship, and worship. Specific services include leadership resources and support for stewardship, missions, Christian education, church leadership development and pastoral support