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Churches become members of the American Baptist USA Convention through their affiliation with a Regional Unit.  The following is an overview of the process for churches wishing to affiliate with the American Baptist Churches of the South (ABCOTS).

As stated in the By-Laws of the American Baptist Churches of the South, a cooperating church is defined as a member congregation in good standing.”

Common criteria. The following “common criteria” shall serve as the minimal qualifications for a Cooperating Church:

1.      Accept and publicize the purpose statement of American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A. (ABC/USA) and of the regional mission organization in which the church is located.

UNITED MISSION.  Contributions for United Mission (UM) from American Baptist Churches and individuals provide the largest portion of support for our American Baptist Mission.  They support all of our American Baptist Mission work and provide the foundation of support for our endeavors as American Baptists.  Contributions to UM are reported on the Monthly Report of American Baptist Mission Support form. 

Remittance Form

Remittance Form for Mission Support

Creating a Legacy Gift

              Through effective estate planning, you can provide a gift that reflects your Christian faith and lasts into the future long after you’ve moved on to your Heavenly Home.  It can support your church and the ABCOTS region of which it is a part, as well as National and International Ministries.

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American Baptist Churches of the South.   P.O. Box 47277  Windsor Mill, MD 21244-0277

Website:  |  (443) 551-3045 - Main Line  |  (800) 466-9571  | 
Ms. Gloria cell 301.708.1405. Dr. J.M Harrison cell  301.708.1407

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