American Baptist Churches Of The South
A Region of American Baptist Churches, USA
"Strengthening and Caring for Church Environments for Strong Ministry & Missions"
P.O. Box 47277 Windsor Mill, MD 21244-0277
Website: www.abcots.org | (443) 551-3045 - Main Line | (800) 466-9571 |
gloria@abcots.org. jmharrison@abcots.org. abcotsadmin@abcots.org. pwhite@abcots.org

The theme for Black History Month in 2025 is "African Americans and Labor".
This theme highlights the significant role that Black Americans have played in building the United States of America.
Giving Opportunities

GIVE as an Indication of good stewardship. GIVE to show HONOR for the sacrifice Jesus Christ performed for us on the cross. GIVE to render THANKS to the Lord for all His benefits. GIVE to show SUPPORT for the spreading of the gospel around the world. GIVE to show a COMMITMENT to the purpose and mission of my church. GIVE as an EXAMPLE to my family and friends. GIVE to show LEADERSHIP to the church and the community. GIVE as part of a LEGACY of a long family tradition of service to the Lord. GIVE to show SUBMISSION to the leadership and pastor of this church. GIVE is because it feels GOOD!
American Baptist Mission Support (ABMS) includes all church and individual financial donations to United Mission, Annual Special Offerings, and targeted, specific, miscellaneous objectives and campaigns of or to American Baptist related institutions that are processed through ABCUSA’s ABMS processing system.
We work with others within ABCUSA and across our denomination to ensure that:
your designated mission giving sent through your local church or through ABCUSA’s online giving platforms gets to the various mission organizations, partners, and ministry project according to your directions.
you are aware of the four special ABC annual offerings that support the efforts of the American Baptist Home Mission Societies & Regional Ministries (America for Christ offering) , World Relief Committee (One Great Hour of Sharing offering), International Ministries (World Mission Offering) and MMBB Financial Services (Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering) .